Thursday, September 15, 2016

We've got the "Zero" part down, it's the "Vision" part we're having trouble with.

This evening something like a thousand people will gather in Manhattan to "demand safe passage for cyclists and pedestrians:"

Gather at 6 pm at the Fountain of Pamona at E. 59th St & 5th Ave, Manhattan. We ride at 6:30 pm.

Wear yellow. 
Don't forget: A bell and lights are required by law on your bike. 


New Yorkers are being killed or injured every day, just walking to school or riding their bike home from work.

If it’s not safe for us to ride alone, then we ride together. On September 15, we ride to demand safe passage for all New Yorkers.

Meanwhile, our passage is anything but safe, especially if you're a kid on a bike:

A 12-year-old student riding his bike in Borough Park is in critical condition after getting hit by a Lexus sedan early Wednesday morning, police said.

The child was cruising near the intersection of Cortelyou Road and Dahill Road just before 7 am when a 24-year-old driver in a grey Lexus GS350 hit him and knocked him to the ground, witnesses and police said.

“I heard the sound, boom!, and I ran outside. I saw the man on the ground bleeding from his face… His whole head was covered in blood,” Tuncay Dogan, 32, who witnessed the crash, said.

And here's his helmet:

A 12-year-old boy's bicycle helmet (pictured) was smashed into dozens of pieces in the crash and if he survives will be credited for saving his life.

Wow, that's an uncannily (and probably unintentionally) accurate caption from the Post, because it's true, the helmet almost certainly will be "credited for saving his life."  As for whether it actually saved his life, the answer is probably "no," since the fact that it shattered means it didn't work.

But it doesn't really matter, because fortunately the mere presence of the foam hat is enough to save him from the Post's usual victim-blaming.

As for the driver of the Lexus, the police declared what he did an "accident" and let him go without so much as a summons:

The driver of the Lexus remained on scene and police said the crash appeared to be an accident; no summonses were given.

Which is a funny thing, because if you plug the license plate number into the city's "eService Center' website (which anybody can access, I don't have magical powers or secret connections or anything like that) you'll see he's already got nine unpaid tickets, including one for running a red light and one for speeding in a school zone:

Now keep in mind this site only reflects fines for parking and camera violations, which means if he has any actual summonses for moving violations or points on his license they wouldn't be reflected here.  Also keep in mind that these are just the outstanding tickets, which means there could have been more that he already paid.  Most impressively though, he's managed to rack all these up since May, which is not easy to do--especially since there are so few traffic cameras in New York City to begin with, thanks to our wonderful state government in Albany.

And yes, of course I realize this is America, land of the free and the Home of the Whopper™, where just because you're a demonstrably reckless and irresponsible driver doesn't mean it's automatically your fault for running over a 12 year-old child.

But come the fuck on.

Hey, I'm not saying the NYPD wasn't doing their job or anything like that.  I'm sure after conducting a thorough investigation they determined it was the child's fault for not waving at the driver:

Because "everybody on the street deserves respect," right?

Lastly, speaking of yesterday's post, remember the woman who's "apoplectic" because they put some Citi Bikes near a statue of a cat?  Well she ain't got nothing on this guy:

I'm not a therapist or anything like that, but I think he may have some anger issues.

(And you can be pretty sure he's got a car and a driver's license.  Have fun sharing the road with him!)

from Bike Snob NYC

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