Friday, July 15, 2016

BSNYC Friday Fun Quiz!

It's hot today.

Really hot.

How hot?

This hot:

Fortunately, as a layabout bike blogger I'm able to "curate" my commute.  For example, sometimes I commute into the city, sometimes I commute away from it, and sometimes I just say "fuck it" and stay wherever the hell I am.

Today I picked the second option, and I encountered some deer:

One of them totally Cat 6-ed me:

As you can imagine, sprinting against a deer in the heat is quite exhausting, and so I picked a pleasant spot to rest:

If you can tear your eyes away from my shameful pink-and-green spacer stack you will notice that beneath my saddle is a tool roll from EH Works, whose ad you may have noticed over there in the right-hand margin.  Here's what it looks like unfurled:

And here's a quick inventory of its contents:

--Two (2) inner tubes;
--Tire levers;
--Patch kit;
--Spoke wrench;
--Combination S&S coupler/pedal wrench

Basically it's everything I need to disassemble and reassemble my travel bike on the road--except for a pump (I've got to deflate the tires to fit everything in the travel case), but I'm sure I could easily fit a mini-pump in there too.  Indeed, there's plenty of room left, so perhaps I'll even add a chain tool and some spare links so I'm really covered.  Or perhaps I won't bother, because really, how often do you break a chain?

Either way, it all fits snugly and discreetly under Eric the Chamferer's handiwork:

So there you go.

Speaking of giant toolbags, a friend forwarded me this article, which apparently requires a subscription to read in its entirety--though I'm not sure that matters because if you're anything like me you couldn't bear to do so anyway:

Dave Morin, a tech executive and venture capitalist, posted his time for a recent mountain bike ride to the social networking app Strava and thought little about it. Until, that is, he bumped into a friend, Colin Brumelle, a former Twitter engineering manager and amateur racer who’d seen the Strava posting. “You’re cheating!” cried Mr. Brumelle.

Mr. Morin had beaten Mr. Brumelle’s time up the slopes of nearby Mt. Tamalpais. But to anyone on Strava, it was obvious how Mr. Morin had done it. His bike, as noted in Strava, was a Turbo Levo, a new, $7,500 offering from California-based Specialized. It is equipped with a computerized, electronic motor, which offers a subtle assist with each pedal stroke.

Yeah, it's not really innovation or cheating, it's basically just being a douche.

And now, I'm pleased to present you with a quiz.  As always, study the item, think, and click on your answer.  If you're right you'll rejoice, and if you're wrong you'll see a Pokéfred.

Thanks very much for reading, ride safe, and ride safely.

--Wildcat Rock Machine

1) Pokémon reference Pokémon reference something something something Pokémon reference.


2) The NYPD recently cracked down on ElliptiGO riders for violating the following New York State traffic law:

§ 1232. Riding on bicycles. (a) A person propelling a bicycle shall not ride other than upon or astride a permanent and regular seat attached thereto, nor shall he ride with his feet removed from the pedals.
(b) No bicycle shall be used to carry more persons at one time than the number for which it is designed and equipped.


("Gravel.  So hot right now.")

3) Finally!  Gravel-specific _____:

--Handlebar tape

4) What kind of knot is this?

--A "buntline hitch"
--A "Klemheist knot"
--A "Panties-in-a-Twist"
--Trick question, this is technically a "bend" and not a knot, and anyone who doesn't know the difference is an idiot

5) Holy shit, the Boston Globe printed something nice about bikes!


6) The Lios Nano is:

--The world's douchiest folding bike
--The ultimate Cat 6 assault weapon
--"Onan Soil" spelled backwards (as a commenter pointed out)
--All of the above

7) This bakfiets conversion kit is called:

--The "LIFT"
--The "TROUGH"
--The "Smugifier"
--The "Bakfietsifier"

***Special "Distrupt"-Themed Bonus Video!!!***

The tech companies are gonna disrupt everyone right into the poorhouse.

from Bike Snob NYC

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