Friday, February 15, 2019

BSNYC Friday Fun Quiz!

Before we begin, two things:

1) If you popped in yesterday looking for me, you may have noticed I wasn't here.  This is because it's been a bit of a hectic week, owing to the fact my four year-old managed to bust his collar bone the other day--and before you ask, no, he wasn't wearing a helmet.  Then again, he also wasn't riding a bike either.  See, here in the Bronx we have lots of rocky outcroppings and other interesting geological features, which of course the kiddies love to climb.  Unfortunately, while climbing one such outcropping, he managed to take a rather impressive fall.  Anyway, it's a simple fracture, he's healing well, and he's taking it all in stride.  (Oddly I think he minds it less than the splinter he got last week, so go figure.)  And yes, obviously he should have been wearing a rock-climbing helmet, so I fully admit I'm an irresponsible parent;

B) Speaking of kids, next week schools are closed for winter recess, so you probably won't see me here very much during that time, though I may pop in now and again.  (And I'm also planning to update the Bike Forecast, so feel free to swing by.)  In any case, figure the week of the 25th I'll be more present, what with schools back open and bones knitting and so forth.

Hey, I'm an artisanal father, deal with it.

And now, I'm pleased to present you with a quiz.  As always, study the item, think, and click on your answer.  If you're right you're right, and if you're wrong you'll learn how to stop your fixie...for old time's sake.

Thanks very much for reading, ride safe, and refrain from taking the quiz while cycling.

--Tan Tenovo

1) According to a guy with a beard, this country is a cycling paradise:


2) Fill in the blank:

"Brakes are for _______."


(Your's truley getting a ticket for wearing Rapha and having a corny tattoo.)

3) After a cyclist was killed by a hit-and-run driver in midtown Manhattan, the NYPD ticketed a rider for which perfectly legal act?

--Riding barefoot
--Using a Bluetooth handlebar speaker
--Cycling without a helmet
--Excessive saddle-to-bar drop

4) What's happening here?

--Tubeless tire mishap
--Rolled through construction site
--Encountered a new type of road salt
--Dough-kneading is the new gravel-grinding

(Photo by On The Route Bicycles, I think...using it regardless because I lack integrity.)

5) I am practically oozing with integrity.


(Photo: Ted Bongiovanni)

6) What am I doing?

--Asking questions about how Consumer Reports tests helmets
--Preparing to catch a helmet being tossed to me by a robot
--Holding the imaginary baby I plan to subject to impact testing
--Just generally trying not to touch anything because I'm a huge germaphobe

7) I should probably take better care of my bicycles.


***Special "Awww, Isn't That Nice?"--Themed Bonus Video***


from Bike Snob NYC

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