Tuesday, April 18, 2017

"Bloviate" is "voilate" with the letters rearranged and then a "B" in front. Think about it.

Well, you missed one heck of a talk about the mountainous biking yesterday evening, unless you didn't:

By the way, regarding the bike above...titanium rims?

Spinergy titanium rims, 21 speeds, dual mountain and street bike. Bike is a mountain bike that has been updated to ride in mountains and streets. Price negotiable. contact Jeff. 

I certainly don't remember Spinergys coming in titanium but perhaps I've blocked it out.

Anyway, if at the start of my blogging career 10 years ago you'd told me that one day I'd be making wisecracks about mountain bikes in the basement of an REI I'd have said, "Hmmm, that sounds about right."  By the way, here's what I look like when I'm in the middle of bloviating:

And here's what it looks like when I'm catching a baby that's been thrown at me:

Never say, "No applause, just throw babies" because there's always someone who'll take you literally.

Anyway, NYCMTB put together last night's event, and if you ride the knobbly-tired bicycles around here you should find some way to support them.  This would go a long way towards assuaging my guilt, because these people do a lot of hard work to maintain the trails, whereas my only "contribution" is making stupid jokes about dropper posts.

Oh, and in case you're wondering, the answer is yes, somebody did arrive by pennyfarthing:

And this very same person was kind enough to gift me with another 19th century relic.  Ever seen one of these?  It's called a "book," apparently:

Basically you just open it up and swipe:

Pretty cool!

I look forward to reading it, which I will do just as soon as I get a new prescription for my monocle.

And with that I accepted my customary payment in Clif bars and was on my way:

(It was a two-box night, which means my 17 children can eat for a week.)

You'll forgive me then for signing off, since last night's event kicked at the ungodly hour of 7pm and thus kept me out way past my bedtime.  It was dark when I got home and everything!

See you tomorrow.

I love you,

--Wildcat Rock Machine (aka "Unicorn Glitterfuck")

from Bike Snob NYC http://ift.tt/2oIluUf

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