Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Wish You Were Here

Good morning!

Somehow I've found myself here:


Given this, I'll be even more aloof than usual this week.  In fact, I've even signed off the Bike Forecast until Monday, since filing daily dispatches about cycling in New York City from the beach just didn't seem ethical...though if I were able to get away with it then maybe I could leave the city permanently and nobody would be the wiser.

Ah, who am I kidding, I'm never leaving.  So far the closest I've ever come is that time back in 2011 when I fake-moved to Portland.  Indeed, I was so relevant in those heady days that The Oregonian even reported on it.  (Though I suppose that could have less to do with how relevant I was and more to do with how little there is to report in Oregon.)  Still, what cyclist doesn't occasionally fantasize about pulling up stakes and moving to a bicycle-themed apartment complex in the Town That Beards Built?


So sold was I that I immediately headed over to their website to put down a security deposit, but they wanted a beard hair sample and letters of recommendation from no fewer than three (3) Oberlin professors and so I didn't even bother browsing the listings.

Finally, before I recede into those azure waters, here's something to think about:

In the wake of the Florida school shooting US bike advocate Aaron Naparstek is calling for a boycott of Giro, Bell, Camelbak, CoPilot and other bike brands owned by Vista Outdoor, America's largest manufacturer of ammunition. This $3bn company is also a corporate supporter of the gun lobby’s mouthpiece, the National Rifle Association, he said.

"The same company that manufactures your CoPilot rear-rack child bicycle safety seat also produces the SavageArms MSR 15 Patrol assault rife," tweeted Naparstek last night.

I've been boycotting helmets anyway so I'm halfway there.

from Bike Snob NYC

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