Thursday, March 22, 2018

Snow and Freds and Coyotes Oh My!

As you may have heard, yesterday we received a great big spring snowstorm for our convenience, so I made sure to head out for a ride while I had the chance:

It's on days like this when I congratulate myself for living near a park with mountain bike trails, even if it's a small one next to a subway station:

This is called called "having priorities."

Or, if you prefer, it's called "being a gigantic bike dork."

Of course, into each life a little snow must fall, something to which I am reconciled.  I am also, if not reconciled, at least used to bad drivers.  Somewhat less familiar to me however are rabid coyotes, the recent advent of which is the subject of my latest column for Outside:

As any mention of snow elicits the "Minnesota humblebrag," I'm sure this mention of scary wildlife will inspire at least one backwoods dweller to casually mention that they regularly encounter grizzlies or panthers or ornery Sasquatches on their rides and that they keep rabies vaccine in their water bottles.  (#whatrabiesvaccinetocytomaxratioyourunning)  Therefore, I realize I'm taking a considerable risk by mentioning both snow and wildlife encounters in this post.  Indeed, the only way I could open myself up to more humblebraggadocio would be to mention vehicular cycling, and I imagine someone who regularly rides in snow, regularly rides among deadly wildlife, and adheres strictly to the tenets of vehicular cycling would be the perfect storm of irritating smugness.

A rabid coyote encounter would most likely be preferable to an Internet exchange with such a beast.

from Bike Snob NYC

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