Friday, May 26, 2017

BSNYC Friday Fun Quiz! (And Recess Announcement!)

[After today this blog will be on high-ate-us until Monday, January 5th, at which point I will resume regular updates.  The Bike Forecast will continue uninterrupted...except for Monday, May 29th which is Memorial Day.  Got it?  Good.]

Apologies in advance for any incoherence on my part beyond the usual amount (this blog is generally at least 40% incoherent), but the truth is I'm suffering from a massive hangover.

Sadly, this hangover is not due to excessive libation.  Rather, it's because I spent three hours steeped in stupid at last night's community board meeting, which you can read all about on the Bike Forecast:

Believe me when I tell you it's soul-crushing to spend that much time among people who are literally too stupid to get out of their own way:
And who can somehow spin drivers crashing cars into their homes into a rationale for opposing a bike lane.

Also, let's not forget the time-worn line of bullshit that bike lanes somehow slow emergency vehicle response times.  So sure, by all means keep the streets deadly, because at least the meatwagons will have an easier time showing up to scrape us off the road.


In all sincerity the advocates who fight tirelessly for this stuff are made of some seriously high crabon moral fiber and I'm a counterfeit eBay S-Works in comparison.

Anyway, it's on that note that I'll bid you a-doo for the holiday weekend.  Please note as stated above that I won't be here until Monday, January 5th, at which point I'll resume regular updates.  I will however be person-ing my post at the Bike Forecast next week (Memorial Day excluded) so if you can't get enough of my insightful typing then rest assured you'll be able to relish it over there in the meantime.

And now, I'm pleased to present you with a quiz.  As always, study the item, think, and click on your answer.  If you're right you'll know and if you're wrong you'll see a video that is definitely a reward and not a punishment.  (You're welcome.)

Thanks very much for reading, ride safe, and enjoy the holiday weekend.

--Wildcat Rock Machine

1) Fill in the blank: "Reservoir _____"


2) What is this?

--A fragrance ad
--A clothing ad
--A bicycle ad
--An escort service ad

3) How does the "smart bell" work?

--A button on your handlebars plays a bell sound through your phone
--A button on your phone rings an electronic bell on your handlebars
--A voice-activated electronic bell on your handlebars responds to the command "Ring-a-ding-ding!"
--It broadcasts a bell sound to drivers directly through their car stereos

4) I will be Brompton World Champion.


5) Of course you can get crabon wheels for a Bormpton.


6) In Florida, after you get hit on your bike by a pickup truck driver, you get:

--Free health care
--A large cash settlement

7) Adult balance bike racing is the new adult kickball.


***Special "Pedaling to Paradise"-Themed Bonus Video!"***

from Bike Snob NYC

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