Friday, October 20, 2017

BSNYC Friday No Quiz But One Of These Days I'm Gonna Drop One On You When You Least Expect It

Thanks for bearing with me while I forked off for a ride, even though you didn't have any choice:

(Who am I kidding?  They're all mellow.)

I should mention that I once again encountered skateboarding dog walker guy, and I'm pleased to report that this time he did not fall down.  He was, however, deeply engaged in taking video of his dogs with his phone while riding the skateboard.  I did briefly consider asking him for his thoughts on the recent sled dog doping scandal, but decided against it.

Anyway, I of course rode a rigid bicycle today, and as usual it was a highly enjoyable experience, despite the Internet's insistence that this is not possible:

Indeed, my Outside post on suspension continues to get people's baggy shorts in a bunch, for a number of people have informed me that the bros over at Pinkbike are currently having themselves a real bro-down over it.  Alas, I can't be bothered to link to it, and while I did skim it for a few moments my eyes glazed over as soon as I read the inevitable "cars and motorcycles all have suspension so bikes should too" comment.  I should also point out I've never read Pinkbike for the same reason I've never worn a Monster energy drink jersey, and all I really know about their community is this, which frankly is more than I ever want to know.

Anyway, it's odd that the baggy-shorts-and-shinguard set is so touchy about someone saying you don't need suspension all the time, since it clearly works for them and the kind of riding they do, and as far as I'm concerned that's never been in question.  Perhaps the reason they're all butt-hurt is that their posteriors are overly sensitive from years of coddling from suspension bicycles.

Anyway, may the Pinkbros ride on, and may their Red Bulls be eternally chilled, their pick-ups brilliantly polished, and their Go Pros always fully charged.

Finally, speaking of Outside, they've just posted my latest column, and I'm pleased to announce it has absolutely nothing to do with suspension:

I look forward to many Facebook posts about how drivers pay for the roads and how without cars we'd never be able to get our full suspension bikes to the trailhead.

Ride safe this weekend and I'll see you back here on Monday.

--Wildcat Rock Machine

from Bike Snob NYC

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