Monday, October 30, 2017

False Start!

You know when you step on the pedals only for your chain to snap?

Well, consider this post the broken link in your week.

Yes, owing to various blah blah blah and so forth today's post must be short, so I suggest you go amuse yourself over at the Bike Forecast, where you can read about the latest local media anti-bike screeds:

If you've ever longed to read a detailed statistical breakdown of your odds of being killed by an ebike versus by an order of Teriyaki beef then I promise you won't be disappointed.

Also, in case you missed it, my latest Outside column went up last Friday:

And you'll be thrilled to know that I'm finally writing up the BSNYC BOOMB!* Pre-Fondon't Ride report, which is only approximately five months late!

*[Beers On Old Man Brooks]

Please note that I have until the end of the year to organize the official 2017 Fondon't, or to retroactively re-brand the Pre-Fondon't Ride as the Actual Fondon't Ride, depending on how lazy I am.

Or we could just do a Mountain Fondon't instead:

I welcome your feedback.  (Unless it has to do with your thoughts regarding suspension.)

Until later,

I remain,

Blah blah and so forth,

--Wildcat Etc.

from Bike Snob NYC

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