Thursday, October 19, 2017

Just a Couple of Quick Things

Apologies for the late post, my cat flushed herself down the toilet again.  Given the lateness of the hour I won't keep you, but I will let you know that on Wednesday, October 25th, this is happening:

Join us for a fast-paced hour of ideas, entrepreneurs and bikes, capturing the exciting things happening in the bike industry at DRAFT: NYC in Brooklyn.
61 Greenpoint Ave., Greenpoint, Brooklyn
The nearest train is G. Stop at Greenpoint Avenue and proceed to Brooklyn Bicycle Co. We're in suite 638 - buzz 970 and walk around the corner to the elevator and head up to the 6th floor!  
6:30 - 7:00 pm: Beer and banter
7:00 - 8:00 pm: Program + Speakers
8:00 - 9:00 pm: More beer and banter  
Speaker Lineup:
- Paul Steely White, Transportation Alternatives          
- Eben Weiss, Bike Snob NYC 
- Courtney Williams, The Brown Bike Girl 

Yep, there I am, one of the featured speakers.  As for what "exciting things happening in the bike industry" I'll be speaking about, I haven't decided yet, but I'm open to suggestions.  At the moment I'm considering a treatise on how to determine the correct tire pressure, but if I give away all my pneumatic curation secrets I'll have nothing else left.

Also, a reader was kind enough to forward me the following commerical:

In it, Dad comes down the drive in his shiny GMC douchewagon:

Delighted, his son comes running:

Oooh boy, Dad has something special!  What is it?  A new bike maybe?

Nope!  Kids don't ride bikes anymore, silly!  It's a plastic truck!

Of course the kid is delighted:

And immediately takes off in it while wearing a fucking helmet:

All of which raises an important question:

If kids are now expected to wear helmets while driving, shouldn't adults be expected to do the same?

It only stands to reason.

from Bike Snob NYC

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