Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Adjusting to Life Transitions, Ignoring the “Shoulds” & How to Live a Healthyish Life with Emily Joseph

Adjusting to Life Transitions, Ignoring the “Shoulds” & How to Live a Healthyish Life with Emily Joseph

Adjusting to Life Transitions, Ignoring the “Shoulds” & How to Live a Healthyish Life

When I think about the word “wellness” often I jump straight to physical health. However, especially since starting this show my working definition of wellness has broadened into so much more. Now it feels like living life on purpose. Not a life devoid of pain and struggle but one that embraces all the messy challenging parts to celebrate all the beautiful parts.

Wellness feels a lot more like being awake for your life. Getting excited about the little things. Taking care of yourself because you feel truly grateful for your body versus feeling the pressure to conform to an outdated definition of health.

That’s why I love hosting this show so much. I get to have THOSE kinds of conversations. The ones that remind us how cool life really is. The ones that remind us that everyone has a story, has value, has a lesson we can learn from.

My guest today is Emily Joseph the creator of myhealthishlife.com. I’ve read a lot of blogs in my day. Some come and go, some fall away, but since starting this whole blogging journey, I’ve always been drawn to Emily’s content. She’s a fantastic writer who instead of waiting to have all the answers is an amazing story teller and knows that life is more about asking all the questions.

This episode is honest and so damn relatable. I think anyone who’s in a transition period in their life and navigating the early stages of their career will get so much out of this. Enjoy!

Adjusting to Life Transitions, Ignoring the “Shoulds” & How to Live a Healthyish Life

On this Episode We Talk About:

  • Why life transitions are hard
  • When to tell your friends you have a blog
  • The job hunt – why does it have to be so hard?!
  • Identifying the “shoulds” in your life (and slowly getting rid of them)
  • Why social media often adds to the “shoulds”
  • Practical tips for practicing mindfulness and presence
  • Why rest is totally underrated
  • What it’s really like to live at home after college
  • Emily’s running story
  • Why hard times don’t last
  • What happens when “healthy” becomes part of your identity
  • Why sharing your story matters
  • The pressure to turn your blog into a business
  • Why blogging full time isn’t right for everyone
  • The benefits of blogging as a hobby versus a business
  • Why “following your passion” isn’t always good advice

This Episode is Perfect For:

  • Recent grads
  • Anyone balancing work and a passion project
  • 20-somethings
  • anyone in a major life transition
  • bloggers
  • runners

Listen to the Episode on itunes

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Connect with Emily:

My Favorite Post of Emily’s

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The post Adjusting to Life Transitions, Ignoring the “Shoulds” & How to Live a Healthyish Life with Emily Joseph appeared first on In it for the Long Run.

from In it for the Long Run http://ift.tt/2sW6LXW

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