Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Discovering Emotional Intelligence, the Power of Self Awareness, and Why You Need to Accept That Compliment – Episode 18 – The Chasing Joy Podcast

Discovering Emotional Intelligence, the Power of Self Awareness, and Why You Need to Accept That Compliment – Episode 18 – The Chasing Joy Podcast

Discovering Emotional Intelligence, the Power of Self Awareness, and Why You Need to Accept That Compliment - Episode 18 - The Chasing Joy Podcast

In late 2015, I realized I wanted a change. After feeling stuck and frustrated, I had one of those “oh wait, I can literally do anything with my life right now” moments. I quit my job, moved home and started working at Handlebar Cafe on Nantucket. The plan was to be a barista for a year, save money then move to England. If you’ve bene following along, you know it didn’t exactly work out that way. What happened instead was so much more amazing.

Handlebar turned out to be way more than a coffee shop. Jason Bridges, who co-owns Handlebar with his wife Courtney, is a special kind of boss. The kind that’s dedicated to helping his people grow and succeed. 2016 was a major year of transformation for me personally. A huge part of that was the environment that Jason built around Handlebar. He pushes his employees because he believes in them. Through working at Handlebar, I became more self-aware of how I showed up in this world, both at work and in my life, I deepened my emotional intelligence and I’m even getting better at taking a compliment.

I wanted to have Jason on the show because he really walks the talk. Obviously no one can be perfect at any of this stuff, but his passion for caring about and connecting with other people is powerful. On this episode, we talk about Jason’s own (difficult) journey to discovering the power of emotional intelligence and how that led him to running two local businesses and becoming a local selectman.

Whether you’re a personal growth junkie, curious about becoming more impactful in your work and relationships, ready to take your goals to another level or just need to learn to take a compliment, this episode is for you!

Manage your energy, not your time #chasingjoypodcast
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Discovering Emotional Intelligence, the Power of Self Awareness, and Why You Need to Accept That Compliment - Episode 18 - The Chasing Joy Podcast

On this episode we talk about:

  • Jason’s journey to discovering emotional intelligence
  • Applying emotional intelligence in small business
  • The importance of connecting with people
  • How to improve your small talk game in a way that works for you (and why it really matters)
  • The importance of self-awareness in your personal and business life
  • How to become more aware of your feelings and thoughts
  • Practical ways to practice boosting your energy and mood when you’re aware you’re having a bad day
  • The importance of surrounding yourself with inspiring, positive people
  • How to move on from situations and relationships that don’t serve you
  • The power of believing in people
  • Teaching to grow yourself
  • Managing your energy not your time
  • The importance of accepting compliments

This Episode is Perfect For:

  • Honestly, everyone and specifically people who are:
    • Interested in personal growth
    • Want to practice more self-awareness
    • Looking to connect with people whether it’s for work or make new friends
    • Wanting to be more effective with their time and energy
    • Anyone who wants to bring more joy and energy into their life (hello! what this show is all about)

Listen to the Episode on itunes

Connect with Jason

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Discovering Emotional Intelligence, the Power of Self Awareness, and Why You Need to Accept That Compliment - Episode 18 - The Chasing Joy Podcast

The post Discovering Emotional Intelligence, the Power of Self Awareness, and Why You Need to Accept That Compliment – Episode 18 – The Chasing Joy Podcast appeared first on In it for the Long Run.

from In it for the Long Run http://ift.tt/2rHPUHp

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